Year 4 Taster Session!


Dear Parent/ Guardian,

Thank you for attending Betterlearning’s FREE 11+ Taster Session

This week we focussed on introducing the Betterlearners to a number of Verbal Reasoning question types through our Foundation A1 paper.  We write these papers as entry-level difficulty and as a way of introducing the Betterlearners to the 11+ format. 

Beginning next week, BetterLearning will be conducting sessions at Wesley Methodist Church (next to the school) on Thursdays from 5-6pm every week.  In these sessions we focus on all the Verbal Reasoning question types as well as covering core and high frequency Maths questions as well as the four strands of the English test.

We only employ teachers who work locally and are currently employed at schools.  This ensures up to date, enhanced CRB (DBS) checks and familiarity with curriculum issues and strategies.

The cost for sessions is only £20 -paid in 5 week instalments (£100)

Or £500 for an entire academic year -approximately 36 sessions running from October 2013- September 2014

Please return the attached form to the North Street Junior School Office or contact us, either through the website or on 07734603957/ 07900257899.

Tony and Ben

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